Above is one of my Instagram videos showcasing a sexy singer in black dress at 2019 Quayside Condo's Christmas party by the beach. The stage was erected together with the canopy with many buffet stalls for RM 50 per person that is free and refundable if you attend the buffet event and party. I just finished watching Vince Tan's Digital World Summit online and tomorrow starts at 9:30 am for a full day session together with Sunday during the weekend and that's it for RM 397. This is indeed a webinar marathon of heavy weight speakers and action takers in the likes of John Lee, Vince the boss, and more. Meanwhile, I take this opportunity to blog and update my post on a weekly basis since I know I shall be preoccupied and too tired to blog by then during Saturday or Sunday.
Just to remind myself and also you guys out there, there is Envato Elements for free music or paid subscription. Membby.com for paid course and App.Tapfilliate.com for collaborations and affiliates.
For Turning Passion into Profit: 💥💦💟
1) Lead Magnet - Canva
2) Lead Capture Page - Leadpages
3) Value, Value, Value, Sell
4) What to Sell
5) Marketing
6) Affiliates / Collaborations.
Ok, I have shared enough for now and going to hit my bed soon. Good night, people 😴🥱😴