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Showing posts with label General. Show all posts

Saturday, July 31, 2021

[Videos] First Dose of Pfizer Vaccine, 20 Ways to Make Money from Your Own Computer, etc.

Finally, I had my first dose of vaccination via MySejahtera App 2 days ago and had the first jab on 29th July 2021 at KPJ Hospital in Bander Perda, Butterworth. KPJ is the acronym for Kumpulan Perubatan Johor.

This hospital in Bander Perda looks modern with glass door and entrance, like a squash court. Inside was a conducive ambiance, with a bakkery, pharmacy, and various rooms. It is more modern than most older private hospitals on Penang Island, except for Gleneagles Hospital, which is owned by a Singapore company.

Excuse my hoarse voice. The above is a pitch done as an exercise for Vince Tan's Mind Control masterclass using my e-book entitled, '20 Wonderful Ways to Make Money Online from Your Own Computer.'

Check it out and bear with my voice for a while. I think it's sexy.

Above is a simple Instagram Sunday Good Morning picture of a bouquet of flower.

Don't you find the above purple pink roses and white chrysanthenums attractive? I love this stunning picture by the way, and decided to post it here. Anyway, stay safe, and stay happy and healthy. That's it for this week's post.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

[Videos] The Ministry of Health Malaysia starts Ivermectin Trial and DgnPet.com Dog Collar

The Ministry of Health Malaysia starts the Ivermectin trial, for high-risk COVID-19 patients.

According to Wikipedia, Ivermectin is a medication used to treat many types of parasite infestations. In humans, this includes head lice, scabies, river blindness (onchocerciasis), strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, ascariasis, and lymphatic filariasis. In veterinary medicine, it is used to prevent and treat heartworm and acariasis, among other indications. It can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin for external infestations.

This is a sponsored video on DgnPet.com Dog Collar. The sponsor wanted to edit my video a little and put it on Amazon. So, I let her have the .MOV file which is a very large one and took some time to email over. So, far she loves my work and had been sending over the pet items for review and videos for her clients.

Above is an Instagram picture on the 10 rules of Ikigai that resembles closely to the scriptures in the Bible. Hence, I put it here for myself to refer to and also for you, my dear friends. I keep reading over and over again to refer to this piece of nuggets of wisdom in life, in friendship and everything else, other than the Bible.

That's me taken in a cruise - Quantum of the Seas, before Covid-19 strikes. Now I am waiting for a date for my vaccination and God knows only when. In the meantime, stay positive, stay happy and stay healthy. Keep the Malaysian politics out of your mind to stay sane, people. Have a wonderful weekend.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Quotes, Inspiration and Funny Post

Above is a hilarious video from my Instagram on 'no cure' virus. It is called the eating and eating 'virus.' See the animation above that was sent to my Whatsapp and I took the liberty to post it here.

Here is a good one from Oprah Winfrey.

I love what I do and sometimes, people perceive that as being snobish, etc. They try to emulate you and tell you in your face what you have taught them to appear like in your frequency and to outsmart. And these are the very people, closest to you. Sometimes, they feel threatened or belittled, I don't know. Anyway, this is not a rant but looking from others' perspective, since the Youtube video making is getting serious to the point of not getting a bath, just to save time. Well, I guess this is not too good and life needs to be balanced for a long term true happiness and success. Birds of a feather, flock together.

Philippians 2:10 - The Attitude of Christ

Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name above all names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Lord, forgive me, if I have not loved your people as myself. I pray for wisdom in the affairs of my daily life and for the Holy Spirit to be the beacon of light in my daily life. Teach me to speak humbly and not to be perceived as smart nor arrogant, because I am simply a simple girl in a complex world.

Friday, June 4, 2021

[Video] Happy Saturday and My Sweet Potato

Happy Saturday, my friends. Here is an Insta pic from my account of a 'Good Morning' and 'Happy Saturday' greetings. I am pleased that finally, I am going to get my vaccination after all by this month of June 2021. Staying in Malaysia, we have to use the MySejahtera app to register for my and your turns and wait at for the event to take place at the respective hospitals. Hundreds of General Practitioners will be roped in to help in the massive scale of vaccination in Penang and other states.

Praise the Lord!

East or West, Home is Best;
Take some Rest, Don't call any Guest;
Enjoy your home Fest;
Don't have an outgoing Zest;
This is our life saving Test;
So, be in your Nest;
This is the entire World's Request.

Above is a short video entitled, "My Sweet Potato." Humorously, it says, "If you didn't see a sweet potato, you need some counseling." Now for the sake of the dignity of women and even children who may be reading this blog post, I have decided to blur out the sweet potato, as it is not edifying to watch. Sorry, people. Have to disappoint you to protect our dignity as women.

Happy Sabbath Day! From Wikipedia, according to the Book of Exodus, the Sabbath is a day of rest on the seventh day, commanded by God to be kept as a holy day of rest, as God rested from creation. The practice of observing the Sabbath (Shabbat) originates in the biblical commandment "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy".

Praise the Lord! Praise is Beautiful!

That's it for this post. Stay happy and stay safe, people. Have a blessed weekend.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

[Videos] Pomeranian Puppy Begging for Food and Happy Belated Easter Royalty-free Illustrations

This is my Pomeranian puppy begging for her food and her whining sounds plus happiness at seeing her owner, come back to pick her up from a Pet Hotel.

Below is Singapore's Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong, urging the people to stay at HOME and stay Safe to flatten the curve.

This video depicts Happy Easter Illustrations with Clipart Pictures. Easter is more important and meaningful than Christmas for most Christians as it signifies the RESURRECTION power of Jesus that defeated the power of Satan. I only found the time recently to collate the beautiful Easter pictures from my ClipArt account that uses Royalty-free illustrations and pictures, as a blogger and reviewer.

For more infomation on the Royalty-free clipart pictures, check out:- https://bizinfo123.com/clipart-com-your-one-stop-site-for-still-and-animated-images/

Above is a lovely "Good Morning" message taken from my Instagram account.

Enjoy and more importantly, stay safe, stay at home.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

[Videos] Shopping in Mercato Supermart, Gurney Plaza, etc.

Listen to the new groovy music that is royalty-free from a site that I just discovered while window-shopping. It is indeed cathartic in this pandemic and stress of insufficient money for many people, who are out of jobs. I can still count my blessings and thank God daily. There are groceries, fresh veggies, fruits, seasonings like Carbonara sauce in a bottle, dry foods, frozen foods and seafood for the purchase.

Gurney Plaza is a shopping mall in George Town, Penang, Malaysia. Located at Gurney Drive, it was opened in November 2001 and is now managed by CapitaMalls Asia, a subsidiary of the Singapore-based CapitaLand.

Address: 170, Gurney Dr, Pulau Tikus, 10250 George Town, Penang

Closes 10PM
Phone: 04-222 8222
Owner: CapitaLand
Opened: November 2001
Number of anchor tenants: 1 (Parkson)
No. of floors: 9 including two basement carpark and two multi-storey carpark

Above is our ordered dish of chilli crabs, though in smaller portion now and size. There are also baked crabs, steamed clams, braised spinash in soup with egg yolk, nestum prawns and 'belacan' chicken. We also had 'ampala soom bui' green drink that's flavorful.

This short video showcases the various delicious food ordered at the different restaurants in Penang.

1) Foong Wei Heong Restaurant
Located in: Georgetown UNESCO Historic Site
Address: 23 & 25, Jalan Sri Bahari,
10050 George Town, Pulau Pinang

Closes 3PM ⋅ Reopens 5:30PM
Phone: 012-477 3063


2) Soon Lai Seafood Restaurant
Address: 15, Lintang Batu, Green Lane,
11600 George Town, Pulau Pinang

Closes soon ⋅ 2:15PM ⋅ Reopens 5:45PM
Phone: 016-449 1918

Gurney Food Hall is a new upscale hawker stalls in Gurney Plaza. See the various food stalls available at Gurney Food Hall in Gurney Plaza. Nice ambiance and a wide repertoire of food choices. Strategically located on the 4th floor on the main wing of Gurney Plaza, Gurney Food Hall is the latest go-to food court to satiate all your cravings.

Gurney Food Hall
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: No
Address: 4th Floor, Gurney Food Hall at Gurney Plaza, 170, Persiaran Gurney, 10250, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: 10 am to 10 pm. Opens Daily

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