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Showing posts with label YouTube Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YouTube Videos. Show all posts

Saturday, November 18, 2023

[Video] Catchy Purple Things In Random Shots!

Explore the vibrant world of purple in this mesmerizing video compilation! Immerse yourself in a kaleidoscope of hues as we capture random shots of all things purple. From purple tees to animated gifs, this visually captivating clip celebrates the color's beauty and diversity. Let the soothing and enchanting shades of purple transport you to a world of elegance and tranquility. Join us on this enchanting journey through the mesmerizing world of purple!

May Your Sunday Be Blessed with Love, Joy, Peace, and Happiness.

Sundays are a day of rest and reflection, a pause in the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. It's a day to recharge, spend time with loved ones, and cultivate inner peace. As we embark on this precious day, let us embrace the opportunity to fill it with love, joy, peace, and happiness.

Love is the foundation of all that is good in our lives. It's the warm embrace of family and friends, the kindness we show to others, and the appreciation we have for ourselves. On this Sunday, let us open our hearts to love, both giving and receiving. Reach out to loved ones, share a smile with a stranger, or simply take a moment to love yourself, flaws and all.

Joy is the spark that ignites our souls and brightens our days. It can be found in the simplest of things – a sunbeam streaming through the window, a heartfelt laugh, or a beautiful melody. Seek out the things that bring you joy today. Maybe it's a leisurely walk in nature, a favorite book, or a delicious meal shared with family. Allow joy to fill your heart and uplift your spirit.

Peace is the tranquil river that flows through our minds, calming the turbulence of worries and anxieties. Take a few moments of stillness on this Sunday to practice mindfulness or meditation. Connect with the peaceful sanctuary within you, where you can find solace and clarity amidst life's chaos.

Happiness is the ultimate goal, the summation of love, joy, and peace. It's the feeling of contentment that arises when we live in alignment with our true selves. Make choices today that nurture your happiness. Engage in activities that bring you fulfillment, pursue your passions, and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you.

As we celebrate this Sunday, let us remember that each day is a gift, a chance to fill our lives with love, joy, peace, and happiness. May your Sunday be a day of blessings, a day where you cultivate these precious qualities within yourself and share them with the world. May it be a day of rest, reflection, and rejuvenation, setting the tone for a week filled with positivity and purpose.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

[Videos] The People have Spoken, Rakyat sudah Mengundi, etc.

The rakyat has spoken. This video, "Vote for PMX Anwar this August 12, 2023? Make your voice heard and vote for PMX Anwar today!" is battle cry to continue to support PMX Anwar, his Malaysia Madani and other business-friendly policies to attract mega billions of investments into Malaysia, thus creating thousands of jobs for the locals.

In the heart of Malaysia's land so fair,
A leader rises with a vision rare,
PMX Anwar, his name ablaze,
Promising change in these vibrant days.

August 12 beckons, a crucial date,
When ballots cast will seal the fate,
Of a nation yearning for a dawn anew,
Under Malaysia Madani skies so blue.

Undi PMX Anwar, Pakatan Harapan dan Barisan Nasional pada 12hb Ogos 2023 ini.

Manfaat PMX Anwar dan Malaysia Madani: Membina Masa Depan Lebih Cemerlang.


Dalam dunia yang penuh cabaran dan peluang, Malaysia Madani di bawah pimpinan PMX Anwar Ibrahim menjanjikan masa depan yang lebih cerah dan inklusif. Visi untuk pembangunan sosioekonomi inklusif, pembangunan mampan, pendidikan berkualiti, penyelidikan dan inovasi, kesejahteraan rakyat, serta hubungan antarabangsa yang kukuh, semuanya memberi asas kepada pertumbuhan dan kemajuan negara. Melalui pendekatan ini, Malaysia dapat terus menjadi contoh bagaimana sebuah negara boleh maju tanpa meninggalkan sesiapa pun di belakang.

Starting Your Day with Positivity: Good Morning, Have a Wonderful Day, God Bless You.

The way you begin your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. Those early moments are like a blank canvas waiting to be painted with positivity, productivity, and purpose. One timeless and heartwarming way to kick-start your day is by embracing the simple yet profound sentiment: "Good Morning. Have a wonderful day. God bless you."

Good Morning: A cheerful "Good Morning" is not just a greeting; it's an affirmation of new beginnings. It's a reminder that each day offers a fresh opportunity to make the most of life's blessings. By sharing this phrase with others, you spread a sense of camaraderie and connection that can uplift both your spirits and theirs.

Have a Wonderful Day: The phrase "Have a wonderful day" carries with it a wish for positivity and joy. It encourages you to approach the day's challenges and tasks with a hopeful attitude. It's a gentle reminder that you have the power to shape your day through your choices and perspective. By sending this wish to someone, you're planting a seed of happiness that can bloom throughout their day.

God Bless You: Regardless of your personal beliefs, the sentiment "God bless you" transcends religious boundaries. It's a beautiful expression of goodwill, compassion, and protection. By invoking blessings, you're not only seeking positivity for yourself or others, but you're also fostering an atmosphere of kindness and care.

Incorporating these phrases into your morning routine can be a simple yet meaningful practice. Whether you say them aloud to yourself, share them with loved ones, or even silently reflect on them, they have the potential to shape your mindset and interactions.

Starting the day with these words is like setting a positive intention that resonates throughout your hours. It's about fostering a mindset of gratitude, seizing opportunities, and spreading love. Remember that even amidst the hustle and bustle of life, taking a moment to wish someone a "Good Morning. Have a wonderful day. God bless you" can create a ripple effect of positivity that extends far beyond those few words.

So, as the sun rises each day, embrace these timeless wishes. Let them be a beacon of light guiding you towards a day filled with purpose, joy, and blessings.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

[Videos] Discover What Happened When I Went for a Walk With My Pomeranian!, Introducing You To The Cutest Fluff Ball Pomeranian Doggy You've Ever Seen! etc.

In this video, I'm sharing a fun and educational experience with my Pomeranian as we walk together. We'll explore everything from the neighborhood we're into, the sights and sounds we see on our walk and the happening street food hawker stalls at the 'Dataran Pantai Queensbay' or Queensbay Beach Square.

If you're looking for a fun and educational way to spend your day, this video is for you! Along the way, you'll learn about the natural world around us and how to interact with your Pomeranian in a safe and fun way!

Here's "Introducing You To The Cutest Fluff Ball Pomeranian Doggy You've Ever Seen!" In this video, we'll show you a little about this adorable Pomeranian and tell you all about her unique features!

If you're in the market for a new dog and looking for something super cute and cuddly, you must check out this fluffy little ball of love! In this video, we'll introduce Leia and describe her unique features. You're sure to fall in love with this adorable Pomeranian, from her cute little face to her bouncy little tail!

This video will examine what happened when I took my dog for a stroll in the moonlight.

From funny antics to silly moments, this video will make you laugh! We'll look at everything that happened while we walked in the moonlight, and I'm sure you'll learn something new!

Subscribe, like, comment, and share if you enjoy this video.

Thank you for watching.


Check out:- 1) Matt Par's Tube Mastery & Monetization: https://cutt.ly/rCvi2cp

2) Pete's Pictory: https://cutt.ly/4CvagkS

3) Diana Tan's eBook: https://cutt.ly/gCvpCyF

Today is Sunday, a fun day. Time to rest on a lazy Sunday while I blog in the evening. I must remind myself not to live in the past or worry about tomorrow. Instead, live in the present, and it is called a gift. I now take black ginger daily, which helps keep my skin radiant. It is known as Thai ginseng, a proprietary supplement with a patented extraction method.

Ok, time for a break. Take care, stay safe, and stay HAPPY!

Sunday, February 19, 2023

[Videos] Unveiling Malaysia's Most Unforgettable Carnival: Lucky 'Too' 2023 at the Pantai Hospital Penang, Witness the Epic Journey from Alila 2 Condo and Back!, etc.

It's that time of year again! Time to unveil Malaysia's most unforgettable Carnival: Lucky 'Too' 2023. This year's Carnival was hosted at the Pantai Hospital Penang, and we're excited to share the news with you!

If you're in Penang during Carnival season, visit the Pantai Hospital to see Lucky 'Too' 2023 in all its glory. From Lion Dance and drum performance to Little Doc costumes and lantern making, this Carnival is sure to be a party you won't miss!

Get up and shine. Today, or "Li Chun," is a wonderfully lovely day, full of aspirations for development and monetary stability.

I hope you collect a sizeable wealth on this lucky "Li Chun" day, Saturday, February 4, 2023. It is the fourteenth day of the Lunar New Year of the Rabbit.

Life is a case of getting what you put into it. You may need luck. You may also want to experience a little chance. Remember that you will get what you sow if you are decent.

Save your money to make the years ahead better. Spend money, but store some aside for a rainy day. Don't squander it.

Do you want to watch this video entitled "Witness the Epic Journey from Alila 2 Condo and Back!" In this video, I'll take you on a journey from start to finish as you Witness the Epic Journey from Alila 2 Condo and Back! This video is a great way to see the ambiance of Alila 2 condo and what it's like to live in one of the luxurious private condos. If you're looking for a place to live in Penang, this video is a great way to see what's available! Watch and learn from "Witness the Epic Journey from Alila 2 Condo and Back!"

This Youtube "Witness the Epic Journey from Alila 2 Condo and Back!" is a clip on the Alila 2 management office, its surroundings, and the journey back home.

Subscribe, like, comment, and share if you enjoy this video.

Thank you for watching.


Check out:-

1) Matt Par's Tube Mastery & Monetization: https://cutt.ly/rCvi2cp

2) Pete's Pictory: https://cutt.ly/4CvagkS

3) Diana Tan's eBook: https://cutt.ly/gCvpCyF

This photo was taken from my Instagram account. The message is so pertinent. "Spend more time with people who bring out the BEST in you, not the stress in you."

I have started exercising this week. My plan is to lose weight for an optimum BMI. I am also taking some foods that will block the absorption of carbohydrates, which will turn to fats in the body. I will likely lose weight faster with food, exercise, and eating less.

That's it for this week's post. Finally, to end off, remember to stay safe, stay healthy, and most of all, stay HAPPY!

Sunday, February 12, 2023

[Videos] Taste the Rich History of Chinese New Year at the Penang Golf Club! Post-Chinese New Year Dinner at a Relative's House that left everyone satisfied, Uncovering the Mystery Behind the Unknown Bar and Bistro - My Dinner Experience at Queens Waterfront, etc.

Looking for a unique way to celebrate Chinese New Year? Check out the Penang Golf Club, where you can experience the holiday's rich history while playing golf!

As you walk the course, you'll see all of the cultural aspects of Chinese New Year, from the brightly-colored stalls to the enormous rabbits ubiquitous in Chinese culture for 2023, the zodiac year of the water rabbit. You won't be able to miss the spectacular fireworks display once the clock strikes 12:00pm, either!

If you're looking for an exciting and festive way to celebrate the Chinese New Year, look no further than Penang Golf Club!

Subscribe, like, comment, and share if you enjoy this video.

Did you have a great Chinese New Year? We sure did! In this video, we'll show you how to have a delicious and satisfying Post-Chinese New Year Dinner at a relative's house.

This dinner was a lot of fun. We started with some delicious mushroom soup and then moved on to delicious Chinese food and desserts that everyone enjoyed. Our final course was some barbequed flower crabs and satay that left everyone completely satisfied.

Check out this video if you're looking for a great way to end your Chinese New Year celebrations! You'll enjoy a delicious and fun dinner that everyone will love. Thanks for watching!

This Youtube "Post-Chinese New Year Dinner at a Relative's House that left everyone satisfied" is a clip with sumptuous desserts and other foods.

Have you ever wondered what lies behind the mysterious facade of the Unknown Bar and Bistro? In this video, I reveal my dinner experience at the restaurant and give you a glimpse into the deliciousness that awaits you.

If you're looking for a new and exciting dining experience, you must check out the Unknown Bar and Bistro. This restaurant has something for everyone, from delicious food to stunning views. I'm confident you'll love my dinner experience at the Unknown Bar and Bistro as much as I did!

This Youtube "Uncovering the Mystery Behind the Unknown Bar and Bistro - My Dinner Experience" is a fast and short clip.

Miracles still happen. Never give up. This post was taken from my Instagram account.

This is a Bible verse taken from the Book of Proverbs, verses 19 - 20 : Do not fret over evildoers, and do not be envious of the wicked. For the evil man has no future; the lamp of the wicked will be extinguished.

That's it for this week's blog post. In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy and stay HAPPY.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

[Videos] Happy Chinese New Year 2023! The Queensbay Mall celebrates with incredible decorations! Ushering in the Year of the Rabbit in 2023, etc.

It's Chinese New Year, and the Queensbay Mall is celebrating! This year, they've gone all out with some incredible decorations, and we wanted to share the fun with you!

From displays of colorful lanterns to delicious food items, the Queensbay Mall is packed full of festive fun! Make sure to visit them this Chinese New Year and enjoy live celebrations from the mall!

Subscribe, like, comment, and share if you enjoy this video.

Thank you for watching.

00:00 Introduction
00:18 The Center Atrium
02:39 Happy New Year
03:33 Hampers Station
05:11 The Vlogger
07:05 Gold Jewelry


This YouTube "Ushering in the Year of the Rabbit in 2023" is an exciting clip.

Subscribe, like, comment, and share if you enjoy this video.

Thank you for watching.


Check out:-

1) Matt Par's Tube Mastery & Monetization: Tube Monetization

2) Pete's Pictory: A.I. Video Editor

3) Diana Tan's eBook: 20 Ways to Make Money Online

The pictures above were from my Instagram account. Just swipe left or click on the ">" button to view more photos. Chinese New Year of the water rabbit in 2023 is just around the corner. Hence, the Chinese new year theme is shown here.

I was snapping photos and hope to create another video with the many hampers and Chinese new year theme in Queensbay Mall, Penang. Then I saw a very irresistible purchase I could not forego. Okay, this will be my last purchase in the next few years. Got me a gold bangle that was lost and, in the process, redeemed a free natural pearl necklace of 2 strands in a single long chain. Trust me, I shall be on an austerity drive again in the next several months.

This is to feel good after all the hard work, to pamper me for this year, and to start the year with a bang of a self-gifted gold bangle and a free pearl necklace. I am very much aware that times are bad. But working all those crazy hours will justify my single big purchase of the year.

In the meantime, let me take this opportunity to wish my Chinese readers "A very Happy and Meaningful Chinese New Year in 2023!" Also, remember to stay happy, healthy, and connected while working away to pay those bills.

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