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Friday, September 10, 2010

Making Money is Hard Work

Who says making money is easy is lying to you. It requires your blood, sweat and tears. Making money is certainly hard work and takes up plenty of your precious time. Instead of watching tv, or slumbering away in an air con room, you are working downstairs typing away and doing work with the computer with broadband connectivity. Therefore, the company hires you to work for them by paying you for your time to do the necessary work for them and not to twitter away or facebooking with the internet. Millions of dollars are lost because employees are using the computer chatting away and wasting time.

Grow Your Money

There are many types of investment to consider like insurance, fixed deposits, government bonds, unit trusts, real estate investment trusts (REITs), stocks and gold bullion. Are you growing your money through one of these money market instruments? Since I am a low risk taker, I prefer to invest in Gold Investment Accounts using my Public Bank, in fixed deposits and bonds. It all depends on your risks appetite. If you like to make money money but comes with bigger risks, then you can consider investing in the stock exchange, but I won't recommend you do it - unless you read financial news every day and have inside tips on what to buy and what to sell.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Writing articles to make money

Writing articles is certainly one of the easiest ways to make money online. You are paid per word basis and it depends on the number of words you can churn out coherently according to the topic. I have made quite a substantial amount from writing articles for the various writers and authors. Some requirements are so easy while others require some research to be done. As I work from home, I have plenty of time on my side to moonlight writing articles via my laptop and I can do this anywhere as long as I can have broadband connectivity.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Got Paid Today!

I just finished doing a paid post and writing 2 articles for a total of RM66.50 (paid today) with opportunities that come almost every day in good times. This way, I can leverage on my 7 blogs with 2 blogs on my personal domain and the rest are blogspot blogs like this one. There are advantages to using each of them and I am beginning to love using Blogspot blogs for the fact that they are free and easy to add components or modules and to arrange them in a jiffy. God has been blessing me and continue to do so. That is why I am always grateful to our Heavenly Father for my well being and general good health to do the things I like.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Newbie Guide to Make Money Online

Making Money Online – The Beginner’s Guide

The question of how to make money online has many different answers, though the effectiveness of the available opportunities may vary. If you have things to sell, there are a variety of options that you can use. Or, if you are more of a writer or a website builder, you have the option of including paid advertisements in your newsletter, blog, or site.

The Internet is the ultimate frontier of commerce and marketing in the information age. With thousands of homes and businesses subscribing to Internet broadband technology every month, Internet entrepreneurs are keeping up with the pace of potential demands. For example, in 2008 alone, 90% of all U.S. households that have Internet connections have availed of broadband technology — which means around 200 million people can be reached through online marketing means.

Asia alone holds the single biggest online market for any kind of products and services — more than four times the size of the North American online market. As the sophistication of technology continues to increase exponentially, online marketers are moving from simple text ads to richer multimedia experiences that aim to sell and to give value at the same time, to prospective customers.

So Many Articles to Write

There are so many articles to write for a particular site but I shall not over exert myself over making money online and instead will blog here and take a slower pace. In 2 days of blogging marathon, I have made some US dollars but that is all there is to it. My eyes need a break and I have taken longer naps closing my eyes and shield it from the sun light too with a blanket over my head. The topics are quite profound and it is not easy to write the articles if you are not familiar with mortgage and bankruptcy. Incidentally, bankruptcy is close to my heart as I have a friend who is bankrupt due to signing papers to be a corporate guarantor. Such naive acts on his part cause him to be declared a bankrupt and his passport impounded. He got cheated by his business partners!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Weight has Gone Down a Little

This morning as I wake up and promptly checked my weight, I am happy to see that it has gone down a little and I hope to be on the downtrend for the coming weeks to a normal BMI and within healthy range. No longer do I carry unnecessary weight around like gold bars on myself, with slower movements and being sluggish. Healthy people are slimmer and live longer compared to obese ones who are faced with many sickness like diabetes, stroke, heart attacks, etc. Thank goodness, I am cover by 2 insurance policies for medical bills and hospitalization. But even so, there is a term and limit to the coverage until a certain age like 70. I hope by then, I will continue to enjoy my life and live to a ripe old age.
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