It is possible to make money from the internet. All you need is a computer, and an internet connection and you are ready to earn some cash online - provided you know how. Working from home is not for everyone as you need to have good discipline. Most people I know will use the time to chat with online friends or surf web sites instead of working away. Worse still, they may surf pornography sites and paying a lot to be a member. I was also guilty of those in the past, but not anymore. Now I rather use the opportunity to earn and save up for rainy days than to splurge unnecessarily on entertainment. You could say that I am a workaholic and choose my jobs carefully. With the recession recently, and millions of people out of jobs, I cannot take my blessings for granted.
Even as I work now, I need to wear my titanium spectacles which was bought last year. The vision House is the place to go if you are looking to replace your glasses before Christmas. What's more? They have self printed $100 discount coupon that you can get when you visit the link above. And I am a sucker for sales and discounts. I only buy when there is a sale going on or when there are huge discounts at the shops. I hardly buy on impulse now unlike when I was in my twenties and staying alone in Singapore from 1988 to 2000.
This blog is about making money online, how to blog for money, programs that pay, advertisements, and more.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Gold Prices have been Increasing Steadily
For the last 10 years, gold prices have been increasing steadily. And if you have invested in gold 10 years ago, you would have made a handsome profit today. In the 1970s, a gram of gold only cost $20, but today it is a whopping $134 per gram. Just last month, I bought myself a gold bangle, gold necklace and a gold designer ring from Tomei Jewellers. Since I have been working hard for the last 6 years, I decided to pamper myself a bit this coming Christmas from my hard earned savings. Who knows, if I have excess cash in future, I might just consider buying gold online using my credit card.
Gold is a safe hedge against inflation and it will never depreciate unlike dollar notes and commodities. The demand for gold has always been good and people are known to buy gold to keep as investment. Just the other day, I was considering to sell gold coin given by my uncle during Chinese New Year in Singapore. The gold coin should be rare now since I have kept it for over 10 years. And , I stayed in Singapore from 1988 to 2000, a total of twelve long years since my junior college days right up to working life.
I am now settled down in Penang, Malaysia since coming back from Singapore. I have a job working at home and contributing to the family household expenses every month. Now back to gold - since I have discovered Augustus, I might just browse around for more information with the links above. And you might like to know that Augustus pays you cash for gold and coins including silver! You can sell gold coin, silver coin and all types of sterling silver items. They also buy scrap jewelry including white gold necklaces, bracelets, rings and more.
Gold is a safe hedge against inflation and it will never depreciate unlike dollar notes and commodities. The demand for gold has always been good and people are known to buy gold to keep as investment. Just the other day, I was considering to sell gold coin given by my uncle during Chinese New Year in Singapore. The gold coin should be rare now since I have kept it for over 10 years. And , I stayed in Singapore from 1988 to 2000, a total of twelve long years since my junior college days right up to working life.
I am now settled down in Penang, Malaysia since coming back from Singapore. I have a job working at home and contributing to the family household expenses every month. Now back to gold - since I have discovered Augustus, I might just browse around for more information with the links above. And you might like to know that Augustus pays you cash for gold and coins including silver! You can sell gold coin, silver coin and all types of sterling silver items. They also buy scrap jewelry including white gold necklaces, bracelets, rings and more.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
In a Semi Retirement Mood
Suddenly making money is not so important after all. What is more important now is my health and to make sure that my blood glucose level is within normal range. I had blood test done some time back and it was above the normal range and yesterday was World Diabetes Day with todays news talking about diabetes affecting Malaysians. And I love teh tarik, but according to the news, it has 6 teaspoonfuls of sugar which is a lot. And Malaysia is one of the highest consumer of sugar in the world - the eighth highest if I am not wrong. So I hope when I really retire by 50 years of age or beyond hopefully, I am still healthy to enjoy the fruits of my labour. I could still take more work writing articles for US dollars, but I rather take a break from sitting too long by the computer as I am having a backache right now. I refuse to take medication or see the doctor and hope that this is only temporary.
Tags : make money online, semi retirement, write articles, backache, article writing, milking the internet
Tags : make money online, semi retirement, write articles, backache, article writing, milking the internet
Friday, November 6, 2009
It is possible to make money online
I have a few sources of online income - taking paid posts, writing articles, Google Adsense and drop shipping for Herbalife. All these are done online via the internet connection. Though they are not much per se, but they bring in some income now and then and are paid by Western Union or to my Paypal account. They are additional income on top of my present job as an IT executive working in a home office. So far I am happy with my Streamyx broadband internet connection which is very stable compared to the freaky connectivity of Celcom for wireless broadband. I am thinking of stopping this Celcom subscription and change to P1 wimax broadband on-the-go. Right now I have to check the prices and if they are reasonable, may recommend my colleague to change it for business purposes.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My Several Hobbies
As an adult now, my hobbies are blogging, reading, watching movies and fine dining. In my childhood days, my hobbies were collecting used seashells, colored feathers, stamps and silver coins. While not working at home, I will blog on making money, upload food photos and update my blogs while checking for Google Adsense earnings. I also love watching Disney's 3D movies, movies by Pixar and any heart warming ones or even comedies. And I don't watch any thriller or horror ones as I will be too scared to sleep at night. You may wonder why I watch a lot of movies these days; it is because my parents watch Astro the whole day and night hogging the telly that I better go out with my date for a good enjoyable movie in the cinemas. And the screen is much bigger with surround sound for better effect. And my hobbies have kept me happily occupied and kept me sane from the stress at home.
Who Says Making Money Online is Easy?
There are many copycat bloggers out there who think that other bloggers are making tons of cash and therefore they learn everything from scratch to catch up with the probloggers by setting up their own blogs with personal domains. I know of one very irritating ex-supervisor who is struggling to make money online and nobody visits her blogs. She is too egoistic and label her readers as dummies. Serves her right she has no traffic and her posts are sarcastic. I think, this specimen is better off working for others, nevermind if she has to job hop around, at least income is there no matter how difficult it is. And there is no more dummy for you to take credit for the work done by others!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Are you making money from the Internet?
Are you making enough money from the internet? Do your blogs generate enough income to withdraw from Adsense every month? If not, it is better to cut your loses and close down all your blogs - simply because nobody reads them and you are just wasting your money. It might be better to work for other people instead of sitting at home doing nothing and surfing the web to while away time. Some people try to emulate others thinking that they know better and can make an income from the web. But what they don't know is that 95% of people fail while only 5% succeed to really earn from the internet.
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